Friday, March 11, 2016

We are Teachers, We Shape the Future, We Build the Nation

by: May Anne Joy D. Romanes
Indang East Elementary School

“Teacher is a maker of man. He is foundation of all education, and thus of the whole civilization of mankind, present and future. No nation reconstruction is possible without the active cooperation of the teacher.” - John Adams 

How do teachers build a strong nation? How do we shape the future of our nation? Wilbur Wright once said, “It is possible to fly without motors, but not without knowledge and skill.”  Wright, one of the makers of the first successful airplane, was not a teacher by profession, yet he was able to make a very good point about education. Yes, it is true that you can live without education (motors), but that is just one thing; you need education (knowledge and skills) to live well and be an active contributor to the progress of our nation. Education is very important in building a strong nation. Needless to say, we get our workforce from educating our citizens and we solve many of our nation’s problems through education. Hence, if we are to talk about nation building, it is of high importance that we also talk about the most significant element of the nation’s educational system—the teachers.

            The teachers are important in shaping the future and building our nation. Being the ones who ultimately carry out the plans of the government (in terms of education) in the classroom, the teachers mold the citizens of our country. By providing quality and competent education, guided by good values taught and modelled by the teachers, we secure the future of our nation by being assured that we will have good, competent, and upright politicians, doctors, teachers, soldiers, and other members of the nation’s workforce. Through the teachers, we save our people from the poverty, illiteracy, and shame. Furthermore, the teachers, who educate and supervise their students well, save them from committing crimes, alcoholism, teenage pregnancy, and the use of illegal drugs.

         The teacher is the core of nation building. A teacher can strongly influence the people who will dictate our nation’s future—the youth. A politician makes and implements education laws, but it is in the hands of the teacher whether to carry it out or not. A doctor may save lives, but the teacher teaches the students how to live well. A policeman can stop people committing more crimes, but it is the teacher who can prevent it.

Every citizen has a role to play in nation building, yet our future, as well as the present, is in the hands of our teachers. Teachers shape not only the present, but most importantly, the future of our beloved nation. Good teachers make good men; good men make good citizenry; good citizenry builds a strong nation; and a strong nation has a promising future. We are teachers; we shape the future; we build the nation. Long live the teachers! 

(This essay won 1st Place in the District of Indang during the 2015 World Teachers' Day-District Celebration, and thus became the entry for the Division level Essay Writing Contest during the Division of Cavite Celebration of the World's Teachers' Day.)